Thursday, 5 March 2015

Journey's end

Well, blog mates, it's time to drop anchor and say goodbye.
It's been a most excellent trip and thanks very much for  joining me.

Until the next time, so long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, adieu....

I'll leave you with a few images that didn't make the blog...

(Although, clearly they have now....)


I feel that I may have misled you somewhat with regards to Singapore, mates.
Whilst it's true that we are currently living on Knocking Shop Lane, the rest of the city has lots of interesting things to offer. Here's a selection:

WARNING: may contain temple images..

Monday, 2 March 2015

The wanderer returns...

Well, JB's back safely, (although he has a strangely haunted look ).

The  reason for his long absence was obvious, once he'd explained. It seems that he took a wrong turn and got locked in a lavatory for several hours....

Given the state of his gammy knee and dodgy back, and the fact that I know for certain that he only had three dollars on him when he left, I'm inclined to believe him.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Foreign pie news

Unknown green vegetable & possibly scrambled egg pasty. (Singapore)

Pastry quite good. Not too flaky.  Pleasantly low on lard content.
Filling was some type of green vegetable, possibly cabbage, possibly river weeds, combined with a substance that may or may not have been scrambled egg.
An unholy coupling, you may think (and you'd be right) but nevertheless it worked.

A tasty treat, and full marks to the opium raddled chef that dreamt it up.


And so we've arrived in Singapore.A place much vaunted for its cleanliness. ( chewing gum is prohibited, and rightly so).
And it is indeed very clean and well ordered. The Switzerland of the East, you might say.  Only without the Alps etc. Obviously.

But wait:
There's a tradition in South East Asia to lump all the shops selling one type of product in the same street, thus you might get pet shop street, or shoe shop street. I've even seen coffin makers street...

It appears that our hotel here in Singapore (lovely interior, comfy bed) is, in fact, situated in (and there's no way to be delicate about this) brothel street.

Our hotel apart, every other building has the legendary red lighting and cast of semi-clad nymphettes outside. Some of them even have queues of customers....

Even the roadside hawkers ( usually selling nothing more offensive than a souvenir t-shirt ) are flogging Viagra and all manner of battery operated gizmos.

Plucky JB volunteered to go and investigate what was going on.
That was several hours ago now mates, and I'm afraid we must consider him lost, but hopefully not in action.....