Today we went trekking in the jungle.(We're not celebrities, so we had to get ourselves out).
The day started with a visit to a market in the enchantingly named town of Mae Rim.....
Here's a picture of some really hot chillis on sale at the market, I'll leave you to supply the punchline.....
And while we're mining this rich seam of sophisticated humour, here's a bucket of crabs from the same market.....
Anyway, returning to the trek. It was quite good, all told. Plenty of banana trees, bamboo fronds, waterfalls and the odd bit of shed snakeskin. Oh, and a few random dogs that felt compelled to join us.
As I say, it was a good day out,and, more importantly there was beer at the end of it.
Here's a couple of jungle type pics, including one of JB , casually swinging on a liana, whilst looking out for a beer.
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