Thursday, 24 June 2021


 Dodging the rain and ever present midges, we've taken refuge in Stirling, a very nice place, crammed with really good buildings. 

Stirling is packed with history, and in fact today marks the 707th anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn.

The battle is widely commemorated in Scotland, it being the last time that the Scots got one over on the English (although memories of that £28 fish supper still haunt me).....

Anyway, I thought I'd  share some of the sights and statues from Stirling. 


This is Robert the Bruce, who led the successful  attack on the English. 

And here's Rob Roy, wielding what appears to be not so much a clay more, as a clayless..   

Other Stirling highlights....

And finally, proof, if it were needed that they still haven't forgiven us for Culloden......

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