Friday, 25 November 2022

The Grand Palace

 Today, during a short break from the thunderstorms and armed with snorkels, we visited Bangkok's Grand Palace.

It's most definitely Grand. 

And to maintain the refined atmosphere, there's a no-shoulders- or-knees-on-display rule which is firmly policed.

Luckily there is a shop selling the right sort of togs at less than reasonable prices.........

Anyway once suitably covered we entered the Palace. It was stunning.

And very, very glittery. 

There's an Emerald Buddha too. (yes, that's how Grand it is)

We then took the free bus to see the Masked Dancers perform.  

Mere words cannot do justice to what we witnessed. Both myself and JB were left stunned by the experience, combining as it did the very worst aspects of pantomime, interpretive dance and musical theatre.

And when we came out of the theatre it was raining again.......

We weren't allowed to take photos during the performance but here's a few more of the Palace.

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