Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Chapter 5: Monkey Cave

 Regular readers (and I know you are few) will be aware that we've had a fair bit of monkey shenanigans in the past.

So it was with some trepidation that I entered the grounds of the monkey cave. 

Our guide armed us all with a sturdy bamboo stick and warned us not to try to pet the beasts.

The first thing to note is that Monkey Cave is not in fact a cave.

There are monkeys and there is a cave, but, and this is crucial, the cave contains NO monkeys.

The cave itself is reached by climbing a long (very long), steep (extremely steep) staircase. 

Inside there's a shrine but as I've already said, no evidence of monkeys. Not even a discarded banana skin.

Back at ground level, it was a different story. Monkeys aplenty.

This monkey's going places. He's got his own tyre.

We were fortunate (?) enough to witness an x-rated floor show from a couple of them too.

Obscene publication laws forbid me from publishing any photos of the show, but this is one of the "stars":

Towards the back of the site we discovered some fairly odd (even by Thai standards) sculptures. No explanation was given for them and I wouldn't like to try to offer one myself.

 The best exhibit I've saved until last. There were a series of mechanical monstrosities which, for a mere 5 baht (10p) could be brought to life.
Enter JB and his 5 baht coin....

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