Tuesday, 7 January 2025

What's wrong with Ranong?

 In the interests of fair reporting (and also fear of legal action by Ranong Council) we decided to try and view the place with a slightly less jaundiced eye.

First though, we made straight for the bus station and booked two seats on the first bus out of here tomorrow.....

Mission accomplished, we boarded a tuk-tuk to The Governor's House.  (note the use of capitals there, this guy was obviously a big cheese round here)

Our arrival was greeted by a really angry pack of dogs (possibly carrying rabies, I couldn't be certain). 

JB fearlessly swung his rucksack at them but it didn't help all that much. 

Eventually, the ferocious canines got bored and ambled off, although they kept up the barking and snarling, lest we should think we'd won.

Obviously shaken, we rounded the corner and there it was: The Governor's House.

It's important to note at this point that this is how it's depicted by Ranong City Tourist Board:

And this is what it's actually like:

It may just have been the stress of the dog attack but I felt strangely cheated.......

Ranong appears to have very little in the way of nightlife. It's a bit like Morecambe but on really heavy duty sedatives.

Last night, however, after extensive searching we came across 3 or 4 bars grouped together, mostly empty.

The appear to have leaned heavily on the Las Vegas themed-hotel idea. (possibly hoping to be twinned - it's important to have a dream)

Indeed, as you'll see in a second, they've very nearly pulled it off ( if Las Vegas had no gambling, nightlife or ambience of any kind)

Blogmates, I give you Ranong, the 'Non-Las Vegas ' of Thailand....

Tudor mansion bar

Midwestern farmhouse bar

Wild west bar

By the way, we saw the steamroller again today......

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