Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Down and out in Ao Nang

JB and I have been struck down by a mystery illness. It can't be malaria, we're on the ball there, prophylactically  speaking.
And it can't be Weils disease, Lord knows we've seen very few rats...
I suspect that we are suffering from severe pie deficiency. This scourge of the Tropics has felled many an intrepid traveller.

There is no cure (other than a well crafted pie, obviously).
We've resigned ourselves to resting on the beach and keeping hydrated. However, as we don't trust the water supply,we're having to make do with gin while we wait for the Red Cross to drop a Ginsters pasty or two....

Here's the view from our sick room.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like hell, you brave soldiers. Keep taking the meds! x
