Thursday, 26 February 2015

Keep your head

We've had time to settle in to Kuching and to do a bit of exploring.
And I've discovered some pretty shocking stuff, blogmates.
It seems that this area was once (and possibly still is ) inhabited by headhunters.
In times gone by, when your average Iban warrior wanted to propose to the young lady of his choice, there was none of this nipping down to H.Samuels for a ring.
No mates, the accepted form of prenuptial love token was  a severed head.  (Oh the romance of it all....)
After the wedding, the skull was hung up in the house for good luck (although it hadn't been very lucky for the victim.....)

All of which may go some way to explaining why JB is still unmarried, decapitation being illegal in the UK.

1 comment:

  1. the UK, of course, a different type of spherical object is required as a prenuptual love token. Two of them, on a plate...
