Owing to our entirely rational decision to never travel by 3rd class bus again, we've found ourselves trapped here in Dalat until tomorrow morning, when we've managed to bag a couple of first class seats .
This left us with the problem of what to do today.
For clarity, Dalat is in no way, a 'happening town'.
There are a great many hotels and guest houses (furnished from Chinese museums by the look of them) and an equally excessive number of coffee shops.
Bars and decent restaurants: but a distant dream.
Those of you poor souls who were with us in Yogyakarta will recognise our despair.....
But, the day needed to be filled and so it was off in a taxi to visit 'The Summer Palace'.
It's the former summer home of the last king/emperor of Vietnam, Bao Dai, who was deposed finally in 1955.
JB and I are no strangers to the stately home experience (paid up members of the National Trust. And not just for the free parking) and so expectations were high.
The exterior of the building was less a palace and more a municipal baths. (JB once more reminded of Morecambe).
Inside, (once we'd put on protective socks over our shoes) it resembled a branch of Waring and Gillows circa 1950. But dustier.
Honestly, you'd think they could go round occasionally with a can of Pledge and a duster........
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