Sunday, 24 November 2024

Down but not quite out.....

 Frost-bitten, beer deficient, sleep deprived, and coming down with suspected man flu, we stumbled into Bangkok.

A city renowned for its vibrant night life.

Sadly we were in no state to partake of it, seeking only a comfy bed and possibly a lemsip......

By the next morning/late afternoon, we were able to take stock, and confirm that, yes, it's man flu (or possibly gender-fluid flu).

Given the lack of lemsips in this town (an opening there for someone surely) we were forced into a bar where they were at least selling beer.

The rest of the day was spent in a rather lovely park by the river, followed by more beer (hydration is KEY)


  1. Yup, team down. Expect a wave of infection dwarfing those carried by the conquistadors to sweep across SE Asia in the coming days...

  2. Surely they have something stronger than lemsip available in Bangkok that you’d likely need a prescription for at home!
