Ahem......moving on.....
The sculpture park is the creation of one Luang Poo (!) , a shaman from Laos who had to flee that country once he'd put forward his ideas on sculpture.
We were most definitely in for a treat......
Some of these sculptures are 7 stories high....
There's a central warehouse type place filled with statues waiting for a home. (Could be a long wait)
The 3rd floor houses more statuary and, unexpectedly, the mummified body of the sculptor himself!
His final resting place resembles a giant cheese dome covered in flashing green lights.
Luckily, photography was forbidden.
We lurched back to our driver and paid a quick trip to Wat Pho Chai.
Home to a ruby encrusted Buddha credited with several miracles , it was listed as a 'must see'.
Most miraculous of all, blogmates, I found the Magic Money Tree!!
That's right. The fabled tree oft-quoted by politicians was right there, in front of me!
Sadly, I'd missed the harvest. I did spot several devout Buddhists sorting through the bounty though....
It seems there's more to this monking business than I thought.......
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