Friday, 29 November 2024

Statues, trees and cash

Today we hired a tuk-tuk (and driver) and visited Salakaewkoo (obscurely, it also forms part of the opening line in the song 'Bibbidy bobbidy boo' which as I'm sure you know is from Disney's Cinderella....)

Ahem......moving on.....

The sculpture park is the creation of one Luang Poo (!) ,  a shaman from Laos who had to flee that country once he'd put forward his ideas on sculpture.

We were most definitely in for a treat......

Strap yourselves in, blogmates, and cover the budgies cage......

Some of these sculptures are 7 stories high.... 

There's a central warehouse type place filled with statues waiting for a home. (Could be a long wait)

The 3rd floor houses more statuary and, unexpectedly, the mummified body of the sculptor himself!

His final resting place resembles a giant cheese dome covered in flashing green lights.

Luckily, photography was forbidden.

We lurched back to our driver and paid a quick trip to Wat Pho Chai.

Home to a ruby encrusted Buddha credited with several miracles , it was listed as a 'must see'.

Most miraculous of all, blogmates, I found the Magic Money Tree!!

That's right. The fabled tree  oft-quoted by politicians was right there, in front of me!

Sadly, I'd missed the harvest. I did spot several devout Buddhists sorting through the bounty though....

It seems there's more to this monking business than I thought....... 

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