Chicken Pie. (Night Market Stall, Luang Prabang)
First appearance was promising. Similar to the now legendary Greggs steak bake.
Unfortunately, the comparison ended abruptly.
The pastry seemed to have been constructed from over-boiled suet.
Filling -wise, the beige paste presented had the texture of chicken (admittedly a chicken that had had a hard paper round) yet tasted like cheese and onion.
Frankly, we were stumped.
A reasonable effort for a boiled suet cheese and onion pasty, but a chicken pie it most definitely wasn't.
Vegetable Pie (Same Night Market Stall, Luang Prabang)
Pastry again very disappointing, leaning more towards some type of industrial grease than suet though.
Filling was basically green stuff which, optimistically, JB thought might be spinach. I'm reasonably certain it was shredded Mekong River weeds.
He also claimed to have sighted a mushroom slice in his pie, which, if true, was one slice of mushroom more than I had in mine.
Not even close, I'm afraid......
I was under the impression food was good 🤔